Saturday 20 December 2014

Delectable Daleks

I grew up watching the British SciFi classic Dr. Who. My parents would tape episodes from PBS, and we watched them all the time. My sister can still name you the director, location, the Doctor's assistant, and the date it was filmed for any episode you name her. Put it this way, not many pet cats get chased down the hall by a 1/8 size remote control Dalek... do they? My sister's cats do, that's normal behaviour in her house.

Given my Sister's love, nay obsession with this cult classic, how could I pass up the chance to make her Christmas gift match this love. On my Mother's last trip to England she acquired for me a "Doctor Who chocolate mould" with various popular characters and icons such as: the Tardis, K-9, a Sontaran, a Cyberman, a Weeping Angel, and a Dalek. I am now somewhat realising that this whole last paragraph will read to most of you like the teacher in Peanuts, but stay with me folks. (Fun fact about the webpage for the Tardis: at the top there is a warning saying that this article may be too technical for some readers.... :P) So with my surprisingly well suited chocolate colours (I think I'll re-name my dark blue chocolate "Tardis Blue") I set about making the most unique box of chocolates I've seen.

I made her open them in front of me so I could see her reaction... she squealed!

A Dalek...

A Tardis...

A Sontaran...

A Cyberman...

A Weeping Angel...

..and K-9...

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