Sunday, 15 May 2016

Gluten Free Goodness

The term "gluten free" is everywhere, and is usually accompanied with the worry that there's nothing they can eat! Especially not cakes, because in case you didn't know, one of the main ingredients in cake is wheat flour making it most definitely not gluten free. I have made one cake in the past that was gluten free and by all accounts it came out well and tasted great! No one in my family is gluten free, however so I don't have the chance to make any gluten free treats to practice. That is until one of my friends went gluten free for health reasons, and is seeing the benefits therefore she's doing her best to stay on track, thus giving me a reason to try gluten free recipes. To add to the fun though, she is also dairy intolerant therefore making me think a little harder about what I might bring to a pot-luck that we were both attending.

I found this particular recipe on a blog called The Minimalist Baker. It even had the benefit of being vegan, but this wasn't a requisite for the pot luck so I stuck to the wall of safety and added an egg. The ingredients were easy to find and to use, and the texture of the dough was easy to work with. I liked the fact that sugar cookies are simply decorated with royal icing, which I knew would be gluten and dairy free.

Why make them look like Dinosaurs you ask? The obvious answer is "why not?" but there is more to it. My husband, who has been faithfully helping me study for my course, and in turn learning all sorts of names for things he never knew he wanted to know (this is the man who brought us the Latimoose!), recently was helping me study my muscles and once again, expertly rebranded the semi membranosus to the semi membranosaurus. So in fact, I did not make dinosaur cookies, I made semi membranosaurus cookies.



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