Monday, 5 December 2011

Scenes from the Creche

These particular little creations of mine were especially commissioned to celebrate the Sunday School's Nativity play this coming Sunday. Years ago, I was the dancing star at the front of the procession of the pageant, and I gradually moved my way up through the ranks to be the donkey (with a solo), then finally Mary. Now, years later, I find myself on the sidelines supporting the new cast members! In their honour, I made Mary and Joseph with their little baby Jesus, along with the Donkey Mary rode in and to round things off, a camel.
Mary and Joseph were fairly similar in construction, barring the colour of their head scarves and most obviously Joseph got a chocolate beard, and Mary also got blush applied. Baby Jesus on the other hand was a bit more tricky. I wont go into details, but needless to say he started off upside down and headless, then was flipped round "capitated" and double dipped. The animals were a little different, not least of all the shape and colour. The donkey came out much like my original design, right down to the colour of his muzzle and his mane. The camel on the other hand... different story. I had only made a rough sketch of his profile for a general shape, so when it came time to doing his facial features I had to do a bit of googling. I have learned that camels really are quite hilarious looking creatures; A cross somewhere between a large guinea pig and an old man playing with his dentures. Believing I had worked out how to make their little cake pop faces look less like the kid's TV show Arthur, I held one away to get a better look. Mum asked me how they turned out... my thought was that I now know what an angry hamster looks like. I think next time I'll turn the ears round and face them out.
Overall, I love them. They're iconic and recognisable and bring another side to the Christmas season. After all it's not all just about trees and snow.

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