Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Second Sale at St. George's Church

This past Saturday was my second sale, and it was another success! Thanks to all who came to support me on the day and to those who continued their support following Sunday's service. I hope wherever these little bundles of joy are going they bring a smile to people's faces. After all that's my main objective; to make cakes and to make people smile.
On top of the designs I brought with me last week, I added to my stock two other designs. Firstly, I added little Christmas Puddings, or "figgy puddings". Traditionally an English tradition at Christmas made up of fruit cake doused in brandy, and after being lit on fire (to burn off the alcohol not set the cake on fire), brandy hard sauce is poured over top and it dribbles down the sides. Often it gets a cheery garnish of holly leaves and berries which is more frequently found over there as apposed to in our Canadian backyards. My versions of this little classic don't contain fruitcake, if I remember correctly they are chocolate inside these particular ones. I dipped them in melted dark chocolate then after they had set, I dribbled melted white chocolate and encouraged it to drip down the sides. Waiting a couple moments, but before the white chocolate set completely, I placed holly leaves and berry sprinkles on the tops. They're a simple design, but wonderfully traditionally
My second addition was snowmen! How wintry? I adapted the original design replacing the hats with scarves. All the cake pops are the same amount of chocolate, so to make the head on top of the body I pinched off roughly a third of the ball and rolled a smaller one for the head. After working out how to dip the two balls one on top of the other so the snowmen didn't participate in self-decapitation in the melted white chocolate, I added the sunflower seeds for noses, and the black sprinkles for arms. After the white chocolate had set, I drew on a face with my edible pen and stuck on colour coordinated buttons (sprinkles) and scarves (rainbow fruit roll-up cut into scarf-length portions, that I pulled the colours apart). I think the only thing I'd change would be to find something a bit sturdier for the arms. Some of the appendages didn't survive as long as I'd like.

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