Sunday, 30 March 2014

Alain is Ordained!

At the end of March, we had the pleasure of attending the ordination of our own Curate, Alain into the Priesthood. Gathered at the down town Cathedral, with heaps of clergy all dressed in their garb, followed up with thousands of little sandwiches and cakes, we welcomed four new Priests. The following Sunday at our own church, we celebrated in the most official way by having not one cake but two! I decorated this one (a fellow parishioner baked the cake), but unbeknownst to me someone else was making one as well.... ah well, you can never have too much cake!

 Last time she was in England, my Mother brought me back some special sheets to add pattern to fondant and I thought they'd add the perfect amount of texture to the stole on the cake. 

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

I'm having my Cake... and Eating it too!

Although this happened a while back, and near to the last posting, I've been on somewhat of a break from adventures in the kitchen because I've started a new project....

With happiness and surprise, late on the evening of the 16th of February, my then boyfriend Patrick asked me to marry him. No second guesses what I replied!!! We've been together three years and 3 months (now four months), and we keep proving to ourselves that we're a good partnership. I'm excited to be able plan our wedding, to make it true to ourselves and reflect our personalities.

I needn't tell you that I will be taking care of making my own cake, as well as sweet thank-you gifts... or course.