What a week it has been so far! On top of all the other Valentine pops to make, I provided cupcakes for a decorating workshop at a near-by day care. I've worked with adults before, but children have their own unique style of decorating so this was a new experience. All the prep-work was more than worth it as I watched every pair of eyes light up when they saw all the icing, the sprinkles, the candies and the cupcakes they were about to decorate; They were all so excited!
Cake decorating and cooking with my Mum was always a favoured past time of mine as a little girl. Despite my Mother's probable desire to make the cookies/cake/casserole as quickly as possible, I would wander over to her and ask if I could help and she didn't often turn me down. Many times this just consisted of me sitting on the counter questioning every ingredient my Mother added to the bowl. I was always impressed with the strength of her arm as she mixed batters to a smooth consistency. When I'd have a go, I was quickly exhausted! Needless to say, looking at the pride on these young kids' faces at the daycare as they finished their cupcakes, and listening to them list all the people they were going to make these cupcakes for, I thought of all the "helping" I did for my Mum and happiness I felt.
Over the course of the morning I oversaw the decoration process for about 8 groups of children; The groups ranged in size from eight to 19 children, who ranged in age from a little under three to six-years-old. I was most impressed with the youngest group of children and how quickly they caught on, and with how organised the older kids were with their decorating. By the end of the workshop I am not ashamed to admit I was exhausted, but satisfied. There will be lots of happy kiddies enjoying their beautifully decorated cupcakes, and I was happy to have been a part of it all.
Nearly 300 cupcakes, which is good enough incentive never to eat cupcakes! (which clearly didn't last because I'm sitting, typing, eating a cupcake.)
Several batches of butter cream...
Bags of sprinkles and sweeties, my trusty Sharpie pen for labelling plates, and my card tin with my logo for life printed on the box ("Keep calm and craft on...")
All packed and ready the night before (be glad you cannot see a clock...)
Some of the beautiful creations from one of the older groups of children.
And some of the cupcakes from one of the younger groups. Talent all round.
With the left over cupcakes, I did a quick decorating job and made up a tray for the hard working teachers at the day care! I have to say how grateful I was all their help. The teachers helped keep fingers out of icing and from children bathing themselves in sprinkles.
A great day all round, at a wonderful facility.
These are indeed lucky children getting a great start to educational life!
Happy St. Valentine's Day Learning Tree!